Getting Acquainted

My photo
school, Maryland, United States
I roll with the punches, have a sense of adventure, enjoy learning & like sharing knowledge with people and help them when ever possible. Writing & reading are my passions. APBT service dog, Bella, is my helper and companion. http://www.Writing.Com/main/portfolio/ view/vpbanjo?rfrid=vpbanjo

Bella: Expressions And Personality Pictures

I just finished loading all Bella's pictures onto my hard drive.  It sure is nice to have pictures of her :-)  She is enjoying laying down semi curled on the carpet in the Ritz Camera store which is expect will be her favorite place to visit.

She has many expressions and can say much without a uttering a sound.  People are enjoying her as much as she is enjoying every second of attention.
This is a great example of meditating and complete relaxation; enjoying the here and now.

If she could speak english, I'm sure she would say "Oh wonderful! Please scratch over here.

Bella is always interested in what is going on around her.  She at times can take things in with great focus and intensity.

"Oh, yes! Scratching behind my ears is one of my favorite places to receive affection."

"The service dog life style is absolutely wonderful.  I get to go places and hang out with my person.  Putting on my vest is an honor.  I really enjoyed this day with Viv."

Bella very much enjoys going out and meeting people, sharing her many different expressions, being a clown when she is extremely happy, and of course this is part of her reward (pay) for helping me.  She has a lot of enthusiasm.  Some pictures look like duplicates, however you have to closely look at her expressions to see they are different.
 I'm sure Bella is in to life long friendships.  We'll have to visit our new friends again and thank them for the photo shoot party.

"love being the life of the party.  This is my first photo shoot and it is aw-some!"
" I am honored to be able to wear this service dog vest.  My work is fun and I like having something to do."

"this is my hang out and relax while Viv is relaxing also photo."

Bella is my best friend and helper who I will charish and be pleased to be with for many, many years. I'll have to keep taking pictures to see how many expressions she creates.

" really enjoy visiting with people & dog friends, thank you for stopping by.  Please come visit again soon, I'll be glad to share more time with you."

That's my Bella, enjoying the visits and her very first photo debauch.  Please come back often to see what pictures, videos, and activities we have to share with you.  Let us know if you have any questions.  You are welcome to comment and/or ask questions by clicking the comments link.  We will be awaiting your return; safe travels and many blessings to you.
Viv & Bella (apbt service dog)