Getting Acquainted

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school, Maryland, United States
I roll with the punches, have a sense of adventure, enjoy learning & like sharing knowledge with people and help them when ever possible. Writing & reading are my passions. APBT service dog, Bella, is my helper and companion. http://www.Writing.Com/main/portfolio/ view/vpbanjo?rfrid=vpbanjo

Wednesday, January 1, 2020



Today I was able to look outside my front door and view a beautiful scene.  The sun rising over the mountain shown a red streak growing as the minutes passed.  The gift of life from God is precious, seeing His coloring book the beauty of this planet and nature's beauty are for priceless and well worth enjoying.

Some of my blessings are my guide to changing my lifestyle for the better.  I have two special gifts from God that are going to make a huge and wonderful positive difference in my future.  I am in control of my future and a huge amount of what I think and do impact the results of my daily efforts.

My physical health and financial health are important to me.  God is ultimately most important, He is the one who guides me in the directions I should go and takes care of me.  He wants a relationship with me.  He is my great physician.  He is my financial expert.  He is the one I trust.  I have been on a  lifelong wonderful journey with God in the driver's seat while to enjoy every mile of the ride.  There are sometimes bumps in the road and sometimes potholes but even with these challenging situations along my journey with God in charge I am ok and things work out well for me.  I have to admit that I don't enjoy rough roads but I also know those rough roads are a learning and changing experience for my benefit.  As I learn and grow for the better, the roads become smoother.

God is the CEO of my physical life and financial life.  A few days ago, I had a huge wake-up call.  I realized it was my decisions I've made all of my life which put me where I am right now.  I have to admit that I've made a lot of mistakes and done some very, very stupid stuff.  I have squandered a lot of my blessings, especially the money I've been blessed to have and allowed me to use excuses for doing or not doing what I should have or shouldn't have done.  Now is the time for me to make the necessary changes in order for me to have a better situation.  Because of my positive change of heart and mind God has gifted me two tools which will help me to do what I should do now.

My two wonderful blessings are essential oils and I just found recently a program that teaches me how to become debt-free.  Being debt-free will allow me to have more money for my use rather than paying it to someone else for them to use.  I want to have my money for me to use as I decide.  I want to have a better income.  Knowing about these wonderful knowledge resources is extremely valuable and well worth my effort in learning how and what to do to have a much better lifestyle and to be able to help people.  I will do this, I can do this, and most importantly with God, I will be successful.

This is the beginning of my successful life.