Getting Acquainted

My photo
school, Maryland, United States
I roll with the punches, have a sense of adventure, enjoy learning & like sharing knowledge with people and help them when ever possible. Writing & reading are my passions. APBT service dog, Bella, is my helper and companion. http://www.Writing.Com/main/portfolio/ view/vpbanjo?rfrid=vpbanjo

Thursday, October 28, 2010


MOVIE Trials and Challenges

Making this movie was full of obstacles and major challenges.  It was trial by fire because:
I was unable to get premier to download and run on my computer.  I tried to do this several times almost crashing my computer, so decided to see what would work and go with that.  Fortunately, at least something worked.  

I was very  glad to have at least a program I could use to edit my movie.
The editing process was extremely time consuming and like trying to find a needle in a hay stack.  I had to figure out by trial and error what function did, how to get them to work, and getting them to work when and where I wanted them to work.  This went slowly and I wasn't able to get everything the way I wanted because of my computers shutting down many times and losing some of the material.  when I finally got most of the movie together I decided to keep what I have and not take a chance of losing anymore video and audio.

My major concern then was how to get the movie saved safely and to share it with the class and a few friends.  I had a very limited ability with this program for sharing, so decided that the best solution would be to place a link on my class blog.  I can remind everyone to blog, remind me to visit your blogs, and make it possible for everyone to see my movie without taxing every ones computers to their limits.  And, when I look at projects for this class, I wind up having to down load them.

  • editing--challenge because of trying to do this without seeing the characters and other indications of how things were happening
  • process--I would gradually remove portions of the media until I got what I wanted the way I wanted. then I would slowly add bits and pieces until I created the full elements picture of what was happening.
  • sharing--this required some thought because I didn't want to lose all this work and I had already redone much of the movie several times because of glitches.  My decision was to place the movie on my computer in a file, then place it on the Adobe website in my account, then think more about how to share with everyoneso that nothing would be lost and the movie would be easily accessible.
  • movie link--this link has been tested
  • click link or copy paste                  

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Work Of Art

I have been reminded about art today while visiting some of the sites for the CAT111 class.

My writing is a work of art because I and change the font color and  font.

I can change the size of font, boldness, underline, and when composing in html and xhtml make other changes.

Actually putting words together is a work of art called "poetry" 

Art can be anything to anyone and nothing to aNYONE.  tHE BEAUTY OF ART IS IT IS VERY PERSONAL.  I have enjoyed this class very much and have because of this learned more about art guidelines and concepts as well as gained a greater appreciation for art and digital design.