Getting Acquainted

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school, Maryland, United States
I roll with the punches, have a sense of adventure, enjoy learning & like sharing knowledge with people and help them when ever possible. Writing & reading are my passions. APBT service dog, Bella, is my helper and companion. http://www.Writing.Com/main/portfolio/ view/vpbanjo?rfrid=vpbanjo

Saturday, December 5, 2015


Recently I have discovered that there is much unknown knowledge about life and how to understand, cope, and continue the journey with great success.  What is thought will affect how life is presented to you.  If for example you think and believe it is a wonderful day you will indeed enjoy a wonderful day.  It is the attitude as well as the perceived idea of what is happening which manifests it's self to you and  me.

I learned through experience that when I change how I thought about something I perceived happening in a certain way, there were changes.  These changes were dependent on my thoughts about them.  All I needed to do is decide if they were going to be positive or negative.  I had to get close to my feelings.  Close examination of how I felt gave me the information I needed for the appropriate changes needed.  Most of the time now, I focus on positive feelings, thoughts, and look for positive experiences.  Surprise!  I have created the pathway for positive experiences to be part of my life.  Fear, negativity, distrust, and other negative feelings bring a life most people including me, don't want.

It is also important to consider the effects of our feelings on our physical, emotional health, and psychological health.  I prefer to be as healthy as possible in a very, very good way.  So, I am dedicated step by step as I realize good results, to focusing on good things and letting go of the bad.  By bringing to myself as much good in thought, word, and deed, I am surrounding myself with plenty of goodness and good life experiences.  It is possible for everyone to change how their life is going for them.

When you or I have a problem with a response to something, then we should look at our feelings toward this event.  How do you or I feel about a certain something?  If it is a good feeling, then most likely it is something to continue.  However, if it is a feeling which is unpleasant or a small voice directs that we should change our mind about this feeling, it would be good to pay attention.

Paying attention to feelings is a good guid for the better way to make needed positive changes for a much better life.  we have free will and so it is possible to make different decisions from decisions of other people, yet fling good and free is for me something to strive for in life.

Life is what you and I make it no matter our situations.

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