Getting Acquainted

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school, Maryland, United States
I roll with the punches, have a sense of adventure, enjoy learning & like sharing knowledge with people and help them when ever possible. Writing & reading are my passions. APBT service dog, Bella, is my helper and companion. http://www.Writing.Com/main/portfolio/ view/vpbanjo?rfrid=vpbanjo


Melodies curse through writers heads making joyful notes with letters as the story unfolds.  Composition of the orchestra may consist of many different instruments having varied parts through out the orchestrated composition.  As characters, settings, and many other features come to life the sweet music of writing entertains, informs, and takes the reader to places otherwise unreachable.

As we write with might for readers delight, we are similarly composing music for the reader and showing the great adventure for which people choose  to read books.  If it is believable, realistic enough to be plausible and interesting, and compelling so that readers hang on every word than we have composed a written musical piece that will be remembered and enjoyed by many people because they will share their joy and interest in this word art which is the pulse of the music for writers and readers.

Can't put that book down, take in the music of the story and enjoy then share your experiences with other people so that they too can enjoy this word art and listen to the music.

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